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Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws: The First-Ever Open-World Star Wars Game

Announcing the World Premiere Trailer

Lucasfilm Games and Electronic Arts have unveiled the world premiere trailer for Star Wars Outlaws, the highly anticipated first-ever open-world Star Wars game. The trailer introduces Kay Vess, a captivating new scoundrel, in the first glimpse of the game's thrilling open-world experience.

Everything You Need to Know About Star Wars Outlaws

Ahead of the game's release, Lucasfilm Games and Electronic Arts have released a comprehensive guide to Star Wars Outlaws. This guide covers everything you need to know, from its setting and storyline to character customization and gameplay mechanics. Pre-purchasing the game now also includes the exclusive Kessel Runner Bonus Pack, featuring exclusive cosmetics for your speeder and the Trailblazer starship.


